g u e s t s

fine art projects
outside davidegazzotti.com

fine art projects from the world

selected fine art photographers are hosted in this section
the main objective is to share visions, knowledge and projects inside or outside
davidegazzotti.com, showing fine art works belonging to different points of view

a n g e l s    f r o m    r u s s i a

photographic report from the Russia of year 2000

this is not about politics, not about shouted protest, but
it is just a melting pot of photography and emotions about a changing world,
a world slave of a common master

Visit: www.dalmondo.net


i n    t h e    m e t r o

the metro, connecting shadows to light

"In the Metro is my journay inside galleries of shadows, colours, intriguing
shapes, artificial lights and tired faces in a continuous hurry.
Recalling to stamp the ticket..."

Photo by Mario Vintari


f u l l    f r a m e    i m a g e s

stolen pictures from the street of america

Robert M. Johnson depicts the streets of his country using the full frame.

Photo by Robert M. Johnson

Visit: www.fullframeimages.com

full frame images

w h a t    i s    n e x t ?

open contribution to fine art divulgation

If you feel like to contribute to this selection, please read on...
what is next?

c o n t r i b u t e

If you feel like to contribute to this selection, please contact
the photo editor

You will be privately requested to submit your work, that will be evaluated.

The opinion of the photo editor is not negotiable and will make you eligible
to obtain free hosting of your works on this section of davidegazzotti.com
web site. For any question, please ask the davidegazzotti.com photo editor.

s o u r c e s    o f    i n s p i r a t i o n

b o o k s

My private photo book collection.
In Association with Amazon.com
book collection

b i e n n a l e    o f    m o d e r n    a r t

My private report on the trends of modern art from Venice' Biennale.
Venice biennale of modern art, 2001

a r t e f i e r a 2 0 0 2

My private jottings on the most important fair of modern and contemporary
art in Italy: Artefiera.

Bologna (I), January 2002.
Artefiera, 2002






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