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Opera "Il Macco"
di davide del 20/10/2006  21:31:09, in Fotografia / Spettacolo,  1931 link
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

Last week I had a shooting to an Opera produced by my friend (and singer) Luca Gallo (http://www.lucagallo.com). "Il Macco" is an "opera buffa" by the nearly unknown Italian composer Ferdinando Ranuzzi. It was played only very few times with good critics back when it was composed in mid-19th century. Then the traces of "Il Macco" and its composer are nearly lost, and music sheets were thought lost until only recently discovered by a descendant of Ferdinando Ranuzzi inside an old cellar. A local non-for-profit art guild recovered the music sheets and orchestrated the return to play.

Music was really catchy, lyrics quite amusing and production was top level.

[Shot alone on October 20th 2006 in Bologna]