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Alcune date contano (some dates count)
di davide del 23/07/2006  14:52:47, in Blogging,  1808 link
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

Dates and numbers count. Ever seen "La parola amore esiste" by Italian director Mimmo Colapresti? No? : - )

Well, my life has gone through various traumatic changes, like any life. We could better name them "turning points". The last two are bound to the date of today: July 23rd

(1) 07 - 23 - 2005
... I'll write about it someday, but not today since I got something else more urgent at the moment ; - )

(2) 07 - 23 - 2006
Yesterday I was diagnosed a bad pneumonia (Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia - BOOP): it is good it is absolutely curable, but it is bad since potentially fatal and, in my case, originated by a very common "Commonly acquired pneumona - CAP" that has not been identified and cured for several months, too many months acutally, till the inevitable final breakdown.

The good news is that I can be cured with a 99% probability to practically fully recover. Well, well well, the even greater news is that today I am quitting smoking, after 20 years of insane numbers of cigarettes a day...

Me, smoking

Me, coughing