davidephoto.com                c u s t o m    w o r k s

Past works archive:

Editorial and Commercial
Products and Catalogues
Dance: Salviamo la terra...
Artworks: repro & reinterpretation
Concerts: La Notte della Taranta
Concerts: Iskra Menarini
Concerts: Abdel Gadir Salim
Concerts: Enrico Rava
Concerts: Sergio Cammariere
Concerts: Herbalizer
Performance: Dante Cigarini
Performance: Ferrara buskers
Events: business
Events: Xenobio vernissage
Events: Liquid Progression
Glamour: my studio book
Opera: Il Macco
Portraits: my studio book
Reportage: a day in the life of...
Reportage: protest rally
Theatre: dance theatre
Theatre: stage shots
Theatre: Artonik dance theatre
Weddings: Wedding Reportage
Weddings: Traditional Wedding
editorial and commercial beauty and catalogues glamour: calendar 2000 catalogues brochures portraits: studio selection
theatre: stage shots concerts: taranta night jazz music: enrico rava live covers for books and CDs concerts
dance & theatre: artonik 'caliente' dance shows concerts opera: 'Il Macco' artworks: reproduction and reinterpretation
events: business reportage live performances: dante cigarini wedding reportage industrial & building photography family reportage

c u s t o m    w o r k s

A wide selection of stock pictures is instantly available
in our stock archives which are dated back nearly 20 years.

Whenever your assignment requires a custom production,
our full digital workflow ensures optimal quality and quick
delivery time.

If you want to ask for the availability of stock pictures, feel
free to drop a line to us.

events: vernissage of arts
studio portraits
concerts: herbalizer live
© I mages on this page and on all related pages shall be considered copyrighted. U se of any photo without written permission shall be considered a violation of that copyright.

N o- © I mages in the visions and street life sections are copyrighted by nature, but they are available for free in digital format for personal, educational and no-profit use only. P lease contact the author to ask for your personal free permission statement.

f u r t h e r    i n f o r m a t i o n

short biography    <

I f you would like to know more about these works please contact:

Click here to send an e-mail: please correct the e-mail address accordingly...     <

C urrent location is in the outskirts of Bologna (Italy).

T elephone
(English and Italian spoken):
(+39) 347-3843173

F ax:
178 279 3364

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