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La femminilità di Bettina Rheims (Bettina Rheims' femininity)
di davide del 30/09/2006  21:59:34, in Fotografia / Arte,  6119 link
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

A woman, pictured from behind. She is on her knees on a bed, with just tights on, and her hands are gracefully cuffed to the bed head. Light is harsh, framing is well balanced and only apparently unkempt. Her expression is vaguely morbid, a typical image from the fetish mainstream of the 70s, and its soft-porn magazines.

This scene is taken from Bettina Rheims' first monograph, "Female Trouble", featuring portraits of women, published in 1989.

After having been a model, a journalist, and opening an art gallery, she began to be a photographer in 1978 at the age of 26. Bettina Rheims is an intriguing photographer of women.
Obsessed, sweet, sexy, candid, conscious, expressive, joyfully erotic, her photographs represent explicit and metaphoric exposition of crude sensuality, which incidently has to pass through nudity and typical male stereotypes. Nevertheless, the strong iconic tendency of these pictures transforms models into true symbols of an unbiased and mythic femininity, full of vitality and eros.

Have a look at her "Female Trouble" as soon as you can. It deserves it.

[Seen today at the Fabrica Shop - Bologna, with Ella and Luca]