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Arte concettuale e nuovi media per Tom Shermann
di davide del 24/03/2007  22:22:15, in Fotografia / Arte,  2502 link
Leggo da false percezioni di Luigi Milani, l'intervista con l'artista/critico multimediale newyorkese Tom Shermann. Stimolanti, anche se contraddittorie, alcune sue formalizzazioni sul rapporto fra artisti contemporanei e nuovi media:
With the Web it (the radio) has become an asynchronous medium. We can find all kinds of archived audio streams on the Web. And ‘radio’ now includes pictures and video streams and statistics and print. Print itself has exploded through the Web. In the mid-20th century people were predicting that print, the written text as an object of thought, was obsolete. Look at how the written text has exploded with the WWW and blogs! Artists always have to look to new media for opportunities to reach audiences, but media considered old and obsolete are also being revitalized. Look at television. Television is being abandoned by audiences who seek more control over programming. Maybe the time will come for television to be programmed by artists!
E del rapporto post-Duchampiano fra arte concettuale e bello nell'era della comunicazione totale:
Marcel Duchamp critiqued painting as a mindless activity early in the 20th century. He advocated for an art of intent and concept. I don’t think Duchamp was arguing against visual sensuality or pleasure, but he was pointing out that art is fundamentally a philosophical discipline. Philosophical discourse is not restricted to pretty pictures. Ideas are not limited to visual images. 21st century culture and art involves a full spectrum of sensual information, including highly coded languages transmitted and received by machines across networks. Sure we still read most of the world through our eyes, but it is absurd to think that art and aesthetics are limited to beautiful images. Concept and context and data and information come in all kinds of textures and frequencies.
Sembra quasi la teorizzazione della società dell'informazione come messaggio (contenuto) e non solo come medium (espressivo). Infatti, secondo me, c'è una incolmabile contraddizione in termini fra le informazioni espresse in linguaggi condificati fra macchine, e la possibilità di esprimere una qualsiasi sensorialità, seppur evocata in senso allargato. Però la sonorità anglofona di "sensual information" accostato ad "highly coded transmitted language" è molto seducente, anche se, secondo me, it makes no sense.