v i s i o n s

projects by davidegazzotti.com

l e t ' s    s a v e    o u r    l i t t l e    e a r t h

a live performance about art, music, dance and environment
This series represents a performance within the performance, a 1-hour-photo
shooting depicting the free enterpretation of choreographer and costumist about
the earth and the weired mechanisms which rule the world against environment.
Will the colours of Earth finally win?
Performed live during "The Little Earth" dance show on Feb. 23th 2006
job seeking

j o b    s e e k i n g

a true story about the craziness and dignity of being an
high skilled IT professional who loses his job after year 2000
This man is incessantly walking towards improvement and performance:
a promised better future, which turns out to be unpredictable in reality.
This small essay is about his never ending rush to virtuos dynamism and
empty modernity. A rush towards nothing, or maybe only for the sake
of yet another web-economy bullshit. And his bullshit turns into a drama
when, in the middle of the walk of one's life, that same virtuous man is
finally fired in the name of yet another inevitable company downsize.
job seeking

p u b    c r a w l i n g

a one night project inside entarteinment downtown
Works included are candid shot from Bologna (I) nightlife.
pub crawling

t h e    m o v i n g    p e o p l e

when light stripes your eyes - part I
Movement, deconstructing the representaion, destructuring the mimic,
epiphany of content, changing the point of view, searching for the
Works included are candid shot from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Holland, ...
the moving people

b l u e s t r e e t 9 9 9

street photoimpressions
bluestreet999 is the project that collects works that pictured the blues
of street life on fine art Black & White photographs.
Works included are candid shot from all around Europe.
Bologna (Italy), November 1999.

o t h e r    s e c t i o n s :

street life  guest street photographers  custom works  concerts