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Ricerca articoli per Oliviero toscani
Per alcuni giorni hanno girato e fatto discutere i blog di mezzo mondo, ma sono un falso le tre fotografie mal ritoccate che sembravano suggerire un avvenuto ritorno di Oliviero toscani e delle sue demagogiche campagne pseudosociali nelle pubblicità dei maglioni della Benetton. Direttamente sul blog 10ads.com la sintetica smentita dell'ufficio stampa di Benetton: "Ciao a tutti, questa NON è una campagna Benetton...". Attenzione a queli egotisti dei bloggers
Published May 25th, 2007
McCann Erickson has done an excellent job in the world Benetton brand. Now Benetton is trying to initiate some actions regarding the home violence against women.
The brand is brave enough to try with a negative view their same slogan - United Colors of Benetton (combined color Benetton), and make it a more cruel Colors of Domestic Violence (the color of domestic violence). Agency: McCann Erickson
Updated: Federico Sartor May 30th, 2007 at 2:18 pm
Dear All, this is NOT a United Colors of Benetton advertising campaign. Please don’t be deceived, see the official Benetton Group website www.benettongroup.com
Best regards, Federico Sartor
Direttore Stampa e Comunicazione Istituzionale Benetton Group Tel. 39 0422 519036 Fax 39 0422 519930
I have not received any denial email from anyone at Benetton Group. Therefore ads will remain on this blog until the denial email from the company.
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto] Newspapers yesterday reported that in the UK the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) said it had received dozens of complaints from people who objected to seeing the banner ads from the latest campaign by Domenico Dolce e Stefano Gabbana, since they are considered too violent for a general public: http://www.kataweb.it/multimedia/media/522278
Images from the 2006/2007 campaign are visible navigating through here: http://ita.dolcegabbana.it/dolcegabbana.asp (click slideshow). They are really boring modern reinterpretations of uninspiring classics from the 19th century, depicting murders and suicides. I don't actually know if those pictures were taken by the great photographer Steven Meisel based on directions from Domenico Dolce himself as the gay-friendly underwear campaign last year, but the overall concept of the 2007 campaign is far from being original, even though it has been perfectly and proficiently executed.
It is an undoubted fact that those dull artworks are hung at least all over Europe, but a public moaning of supposed violence incitation is reported only in the UK so far. Yes, those pictures possess their own visual coherence and an impact which fit them well inside their own series, but we are definitively not in face of such a memorable piece of creativity, if not because of that same censure attitude from Great Britain.
All this reminds me of a leading creative and second-rate photographer whose name is Oliviero toscani. Less than ten years ago he stated his own decline by challenging the American way of thinking. Through his usual dull photographic style, he managed to obtain the final brave combination of social matters and pullovers by portraiting the human expressions of death sentenced men waiting their day in the death row (http://www.repubblica.it/online/societa/toscani/toscani/toscani.html). That campaign raised so many protests that some federal states sued Luciano Benetton in person, and even sensitive (or desperate?) housewives fell in love of the portraited jail-birds... Then, it was not censure but Luciano himself who immediately withdrew the ads, he surely hardly hit himself in his guts, and he finally understood that in order to continue to seriously affect the Italian economy he should have diversified his businesses. Thus he ended with buying Societ� Autostrade (the national motorway company)� now on sale.
I do sincerely hope that our dear D&G will have a brighter future, so they won't reinvent their business ruining, let's say, Trenitalia o Alitalia which is actually on sale now as well�
Questa volta Oliviero toscani ce l'ha contro la piaga dell' anoressia, e sfrutta superficialmente questo tema per promozionare Nolita, un brand per bambini fighetti. L'inventore del "pubblicizzare i maglioni con campagne (pseudo-)sociali" pubblica la sua ennesima campagna chock realizzata fotografando, come al solito in modo semplice e scontato, una magrissima modella anoressica, ritratta nuda. E' francese e si chiama Isabelle Caro, e da diversi anni è afflitta da una grave forma di anoressia che l'ha portata a pesare poco più di trenta chili. Fabiola De Clerq, presidente di Aba (Associazione per lo studio e la ricerca sull'anoressia, la bulimia e l'obesità): "L'utilizzo di questa immagine è suscettibile di indurre fenomeni di emulazione e non aiuta certo i diretti interessati né le loro famiglie: si accendono i riflettori e poi si spengono, e le famiglie si vedono sbattere le porte in faccia dai grandi ospedali".
Almeno il buon Oliviero sembra aver ritrovato la sua strada; quella che lo ha reso celebre e che sembrava aver perso negli ultimi tempi.
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