Di seguito tutti gli interventi pubblicati sul sito, in ordine cronologico.
La prima personale in un museo italiano di Christopher Williams (Los Angeles, 1956) celebra anche la chiusura della vecchia sede della Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Bologna (1975-2007). Concepita come l’ultima mostra da tenere in questo spazio espositivo, l’intervento di Williams costituisce un progetto che collega il layout della mostra con la sua cornice rappresentata dall’architettura della stessa costruzione e dai suoi tre decenni di mostre: questa è la prima (ed ultima) volta in 15 anni che il visitatore ha accesso al museo dal suo ingresso originario, così riscopre gli itinerari e la disposizione delle masse (e della luce) come erano al tempo in cui il museo fu aperto (1° maggio 1975). E questa, secondo me, è decisamente la parte migliore della visita.
Christopher Williams, Kiev 88, 4.6 Ibs. (2.1 Kg) Manufacturer: Zavod Arsenal Factory, Kiev, Ukraine. Date of production: 1983-87 Douglas M. Parker Studio, Glendale, California. March 28, 2003 (NR. 1, 2, 3)
Il lavoro artistico di Williams...
Avevo iniziato per gioco su MySpace, ma ora ci sto prendendo gusto... quasi quasi me lo prescrivo
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto] Here we go again with yet another Magnum-Photos a-la-Henri-Cartier-Bresson photographer on display in Modena this winter: just 2 large rooms with 3 dozens of big catchy colorful prints from Asia and a lot of rumbling people in the overheated gallery.
Different from many contemporary photojournalists who tend to "machine gun" their subjects, Steve McCurry immediately distinguished himself for his vivid personal way of seeing reality and by taking his time to slow down, wait for the right light, and know his subjects well before taking timeless shots of vibrant life.
The results are outstanding stunningly saturated portraits of people, places and moods, be them happy tribal dances or lands devastated by a war. Every single image vibrantly speaks both of the portrayed situations (be it in Afghanistan or in Tibet) and of its author at the same time: this is what I call the absolute reportage photography.
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto] Since I've not been shooting any picture today, even though there was nobody around my studio as usual for a Sunday night, I finally turned the camera against me and took some silly pictures of myself and my teddy rabbit... just for fun, since this pictures don't deserve more than a second rate microstock agency
«Il mondo che abbiamo sempre avuto sotto gli occhi ne nasconde un altro». Così si apre Blow-up. Immagini del nanomondo, mostra fotografica ideata e prodotta dal Centro S3 di Modena (centro di ricerca in nanoscienze dell’Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, Infm – Cnr) in collaborazione con la fotografa Lucia Covi e grazie al contributo della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena.
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto] Newspapers yesterday reported that in the UK the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) said it had received dozens of complaints from people who objected to seeing the banner ads from the latest campaign by Domenico Dolce e Stefano Gabbana, since they are considered too violent for a general public: http://www.kataweb.it/multimedia/media/522278
Images from the 2006/2007 campaign are visible navigating through here: http://ita.dolcegabbana.it/dolcegabbana.asp (click slideshow). They are really boring modern reinterpretations of uninspiring classics from the 19th century, depicting murders and suicides. I don't actually know if those pictures were taken by the great photographer Steven Meisel based on directions from Domenico Dolce himself as the gay-friendly underwear campaign last year, but the overall concept of the 2007 campaign is far from being original, even though it has been perfectly and proficiently executed.
It is an undoubted fact that ...
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto] Mmmmm....
.... in 2005 I quit having sex
.... in 2006 I quit smoking
.... in 2007 I quit drinking
How long will I have to get on such a boring existence?
Hope to "recover" soon....