05/06/2009 - Leoncini (TM) 01/05/2009 - Under Manhattan Bridge in NYC 01/03/2009 - Domestic Violence #4 09/02/2009 - Damn Bad Day - Domestic Violence #1 12/12/2008 - Head and Seat 10/12/2008 - Benedetta in studio nel dicembre 2008 11/08/2008 - Road to Midelt (MA) 20/07/2008 - Donna indiana disperata 22/06/2008 - Desolation n°2 15/06/2008 - Gatto in Studio 24/05/2008 - Fiaba Migrante all'Arena del Sole 17/05/2008 - Revival del progetto incompiuto del 2006. Codename Life in a box 05/04/2008 - Dante Cigarini, attore 11/03/2008 - Narciso 09/03/2008 - Desolation n°1 08/03/2008 - Simona 14/02/2008 - Marco Ceccardi, esperto consulente in analisi chimiche industriali -   Focal: 85mm; Exposure 1/100s f/2.0 15/01/2008 - Sara 25/12/2007 - Giorgio Mantovani - Professore Universitario - Ob. 85mm f/1.8 10/12/2007 - Self portrait with anger 14/11/2007 - Bari 09/11/2007 - Window collapsed in Taipei (TW) - Vedi anche l'intero reportage: http://www.davidegazzotti.com/street/taipeihongkong07bw/ 02/11/2007 - Mother and Son 30/10/2007 - Hommage a Wong Kar-wai 22/10/2007 - Cibo asiatico alla piastra 19/10/2007 - Cercasi Mani Pulite anche ad Hong Kong 13/10/2007 - Campagna Nortek is here (test shot) 27/09/2007 - Test per campagna pubblicitaria Panasonic 24/09/2007 - 23/09/2007 - Marcel Marceau 23/09/2007 - Rino Piazzi, hair stylist - Ob. 85mm f/2.4 15/09/2007 - Matrimonio decisamente sfocato... 25/08/2007 - Lavandino a conca con miscelatore 22/08/2007 - Chiara e Piero 07/08/2007 - Capo Colonna (KR) - Nuovo screen saver 07/08/2007 - Donna con cane 26/07/2007 - Performance teatrale e musicale 19/07/2007 - Ritratto di Lamberto Dini, uomo politico esponente della Margherita 14/07/2007 - Beauty shooting in Bologna 13/07/2007 - Fashion in Bologna 09/07/2007 - Concerto di Yossou N'Dour a Bologna 03/07/2007 - 'L'inventore dei Sogni' di V. Lenzi e S. Chiarioni - Spettacolo di danza moderna al teatro Arena del Sole (BO) 16/06/2007 - La sposa al ricevimento 31/05/2007 - Stefano Scippa - http://www.frighteningpicnic.com 31/05/2007 - La poetessa Nicoletta Vignoli 25/05/2007 - 'L'inventore dei Sogni' di V. Lenzi e S. Chiarioni - Spettacolo di danza moderna al teatro Arena del Sole (BO) 12/05/2007 - Ritratto del pittore Gioacchino Loporchio alla galleria RestArt a Bologna - Guarda anche la fotografia: http://www.davidegazzotti.com/dblog/fotografia.asp?fotografia=121 07/05/2007 - Donna incinta 06/05/2007 - Gian Carlo Scarabelli - imprenditore 05/05/2007 - Loretta Lambertini - Sindaco di Granarolo dell'Emilia (Bologna) 03/05/2007 - Ritratto del maestro di Hip-Hop e Break-dance Luigi ...
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Newspapers yesterday reported that in the UK the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) said it had received dozens of complaints from people who objected to seeing the banner ads from the latest campaign by Domenico Dolce e Stefano Gabbana, since they are considered too violent for a general public: http://www.kataweb.it/multimedia/media/522278

Images from the 2006/2007 campaign are visible navigating through here: http://ita.dolcegabbana.it/dolcegabbana.asp (click slideshow).
They are really boring modern reinterpretations of uninspiring classics from the 19th century, depicting murders and suicides. I don't actually know if those pictures were taken by the great photographer Steven Meisel based on directions from Domenico Dolce himself as the gay-friendly underwear campaign last year, but the overall concept of the 2007 campaign is far from being original, even though it has been perfectly and proficiently executed.

It is an undoubted fact that ...

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di davide del 11/01/2007, in Blogging,  1569 link
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]


.... in 2005 I quit having sex
.... in 2006 I quit smoking
.... in 2007 I quit drinking
; - )

How long will I have to get on such a boring existence? ; - )

Hope to "recover" soon....
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di davide del 19/12/2006, in Blogging,  1638 link
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

Oh my….
Just back from the very expensive process of finding a Christmas present for my sister-in-law. Inside this 5 floors big store downtown, gorgeously full of perfumes, dresses and elegant houseware, I got another painful attack of compulsory shopping disease and I finally bought yet another black leather jacket, for me actually.
Yes, I am so self-referred that, even when searching for something to be given to the beloved ones, I eventually buy anything for me, myself or I.

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di davide del 14/12/2006, in Cinema,  1787 link
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

The latest movies seen at our movie-forum were 2 comedies: "The big Lebowsky" by the Coens and "Ecce bombo" by the cult Italian author Nanni Moretti.

The problem is that everyone has a little Big Lebowski in them. ...but I've fortunately found a quiz by another blogger who is designed to reveal your inner Lebowski... click here

According to the "Which Big Lebowski character are you?" quiz:

Why don't you check it out? Or we cut off your Johnson!

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Earlier tonite Francesco, an actor friend of mine, on the evening of his birthday, performed a nice short humoristic piece written along with Angela. A great birthday party indeed...

Curriculum Vitae

Title: "Curriculum Vitae"
Abstract: Two recruiters, a young boss and a stager, are interviewing unemployed people in search of a stable occupation in the land of short term contracts. Finally...

[Seen with a lot of friends at Moretto in Bologna on Dec. 4th 2006]
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di davide del 29/11/2006, in Progetti,  1809 link
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

I've not been posting for quite a long, but what the hell am I doing lately? Where am I going?

Well.... it's just because of good news: my new project, "NO EXIT", which is being developed these days with Nadia and Lea (two young curators working in Roma) who are planning another exposition of mine...

That's whay I am working so hard all nights to write down the concept, the descriptions and all the paperworks needed to get money from the sponsors, etc etc etc

More news to come soon. Hopefully good news ; - )

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[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

De battre mon coeur s'est arrêté (2005)

Why did I like this 2005 French movie so much, when I am told it is too derivative and predictable?


Yesterday night we watched this movie at my friend's house, and tonight I dreamt of it and became conscious of what I am now writing down.

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[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

Yesterday I did my first studio shooting for an art dealer friend of mine. The only requirement was not to be too creative in order to show off the artwork discreetly.

When I first saw those pieces I thought: "Oh my, this is really boring $hit...". So results are boring, but my client today called me back only to tell: "hey davide, you made those works better in pictures than in reality!". Yep, thanks a lot for your kind words, but I cannot figure out how those swindlers can sell such crap works for at least 5 thousands bucks each!!!!!

Most of these works are paintings from famous sculptors or sculptures from famous painters ; - ) Good luck my dear friend...

[Shot in Bologna with Mino on November 12, 2006]

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[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

Jackson Pollock was an American painter and a major force in the abstract expressionist movement (see wiki). But, if you want to enjoy the emotion of creating your own Pollock painting, then dive into http://www.jacksonpollock.org/ and do it yourself!

Time is not only a constraint, it represents the reason to a change. Thus, attempting to understand the nature of Time has always been a prime occupation for philosophers and scientists. But from a photographer perspective, time is both a lapse and a loop: have look at http://www.theircircularlife.it/ and choose your pace for your life ;-O

[Seen with Ella on November 12, 2006]

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di davide del 11/11/2006, in Cinema,  2237 link
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

Yesterday it was the second cultural happening at the house of a very close friend of mine: we use to meet there to watch a movie and discuss it almost every week.

On our first evening, I had the chance to have an absent look at 1933 "She done him wrong" with Mae West... absolutely too far away from my vision, my way of thinking, my way of seeing reality, making imageries or way of shooting movies. : - (

Yesterday we saw Fellini's "La Dolce Vita" and... wow, what a great, inspiring and important movie. I had watched that movie almost 20 years ago, when I was a stupid young teenager, but now, in my middle age lifetime walk, I enjoy all of it: the story, the melancoly and sadness, the good looking women and the over-the-top useless parties of perdition...

Fellini has become utterly famous, most of all, for his outstanding ability to render stories and facts that barely exist on screen, always in between reality and dreams, lights and shadows, just as the Rome of movie starlets and the Pope. Everything is abstracted like in a dream. Every story is the good one for making a movie.

[Seen on Nov. 8th with Adirana, Alessia, Andrea, Francesca, Nino, Paolino, ...]

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di davide del 20/10/2006, in Fotografia / Spettacolo,  1931 link
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

Last week I had a shooting to an Opera produced by my friend (and singer) Luca Gallo (http://www.lucagallo.com). "Il Macco" is an "opera buffa" by the nearly unknown Italian composer Ferdinando Ranuzzi. It was played only very few times with good critics back when it was composed in mid-19th century. Then the traces of "Il Macco" and its composer are nearly lost, and music sheets were thought lost until only recently discovered by a descendant of Ferdinando Ranuzzi inside an old cellar. A local non-for-profit art guild recovered the music sheets and orchestrated the return to play.

Music was really catchy, lyrics quite amusing and production was top level.

[Shot alone on October 20th 2006 in Bologna]

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[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

Ok, here they go again: another couple of friends asked for my help in producing their graduation thesis lately. This fall the first one is just yet another private survey, but the second one is an interesting real project by a friend who is preparing a feasibility report for a post graduation school for art-curator wannabes. The project's subject is "The relation between architecture and art in contemporary visual culture".

Location for the exposition is given and maximum budget is less than 6 grands, insurance included : - (

Any help is appreciated, expecially great concepts that are cheap to realise, and a list of inexpensive services for expositors available to a big city in central Italy... Please write to me privately if you wish to contribute.

News will follow within Christmas, and my friend's project might also be produced for real by her art school ; - )
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[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

A well known Italian person is dying from muscular dystrophy. He is artificially kept alive thanks to modern cardiopulmonary resuscitation technologies. If he were Dutch or Swedish he could decide to have the breathing machine unplugged, but since he is Italian he cannot even think about it. A leading radical politician is offering his help:
click here
in pseudo-English:
click here

If I ever had to turn into a suffering terminal patient, please ease my pain by using whatever drug you can, and unplug life machines before it is too late...

What would you onestly do if you were in his shoes?
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[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

A woman, pictured from behind. She is on her knees on a bed, with just tights on, and her hands are gracefully cuffed to the bed head. Light is harsh, framing is well balanced and only apparently unkempt. Her expression is vaguely morbid, a typical image from the fetish mainstream of the 70s, and its soft-porn magazines.

This scene is taken from Bettina Rheims' first monograph, "Female Trouble", featuring portraits of women, published in 1989.

After having been a model, a journalist, and opening an art gallery, she began to be a photographer in 1978 at the age of 26. Bettina Rheims is an intriguing photographer of women.
Obsessed, sweet, sexy, candid, conscious, expressive, joyfully erotic, her photographs represent explicit and metaphoric exposition of crude sensuality, which incidently has to pass through nudity and typical male stereotypes. Nevertheless, the strong iconic tendency of these pictures transforms models into true symbols of an unbiased and mythic femininity, full of vitality and eros.

Have a look at her "Female Trouble" as soon as you can. It deserves it.

[Seen today at the Fabrica Shop - Bologna, with Ella and Luca]
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di davide del 29/09/2006, in Blogging,  1547 link
[Articolo riportato da http://blog.myspace.com/davidephoto]

Oh my, today I am at least 6 Kilos heavier than when I quit smoking more than 2 months ago. And I am still under the final minimal dose! How much will I reach?

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L'inferno dei viventi non è qualcosa che sarà; se ce n'è uno, è quello che è già qui, l'inferno che abitiamo tutti i giorni, che formiamo stando insieme. Due modi ci sono per non soffrirne. Il primo riesce facile a molti: accettare l'inferno e diventarne parte fino al punto di non vederlo più. Il secondo è rischioso ed esige attenzione e apprendimento continui: cercare e saper riconoscere chi e cosa, in mezzo all'inferno, non è inferno, e farlo durare, e dargli spazio.

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